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Project 1: Onsite Observation Journal and Video
A. Journal
Students are to produce 10 onsite manual drawing that give a strong idea of the place that they have carried out the Measured Drawing exercise based on categories specified above.
Students may use any media such as pencil, pen, markers, charcoal or watercolour to express their observations. Exploration of variety of media is highly encouraged, provided that they are not made of perishable base. The use of fixers is allowed to avoid from loss of colours. Students are to add caption for each piece, annotating vital information about what is captured in the sketches.
B. Video
A 3 to 5 minutes video that capture the process of measuring building and is required to contain one of these themes:
1. History and Architecture
2. Culture and Architecture
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project are as follows:
- To train students to be observant to their surrounding
- To instill the culture of documenting as part of the learning process in architectural education
- To enhance students’ graphic communication skills in capturing important details and the spirit of the place
A. My Sketch Journal
B. Video
Project 2: Building Report and Photobook
Within the same group for the measuring exercise, students are required to prepare the following:
a. Report (5000 words)
b. Photobook (50 photos)
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project are as follows:
- To document the significance of the building to accompany the measured drawings
- To enable students to analyze the relationship between architecture and the significance of the building as well as its inhabitation
A. Report
B. Photobook
Project 3: Measured Drawings & Model 
A. Drawings
B. Final Model
This project is really a good chance to learn how to measure a building and capture the details of a building. I learnt a lot of the ability to use Autocad and also the importance to work as a team. Assignation of human resource is a vital conduct for a team in order to work efficiently and productively.
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